Remote working is here to stay: according to Gartner, 74% of organizations expect some employees to work remotely once the pandemic is over.

At the same time, the resources people need to do their jobs are also in multiple locations: on servers in the office; in cloud-based applications like Office 365 or Salesforce; and in private or public cloud environments on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.

IT teams are tasked with protecting every user and every resource, no matter where they are. Meanwhile, bad actors continue to find better and more subversive ways to penetrate increasingly virtual organizations at every intersection.

Phishing emails come in all shapes and sizes, but fortunately there are some “tells” you can look for to help identify potential scams. Cyber-criminals are becoming ever more sneaky and advanced with their techniques for their phishing emails.

Nobody want to be the one who clicks on a phishing email which lets a threat into the business - Use this handy checklist to analyze any email that reaches your inbox to prevent this happening to you.

YOU are the first line of defense against phishing. Arm yourself by knowing the signs and acting with caution. By educating yourself, you’ll be able to avoid falling victim to a phishing scheme – and putting your personal data, or that of your organization, at risk.

Technology plays a critical role in the success of any business and choosing to outsource your IT with a managed service provider offers many benefits. Of course, the IT world is constantly evolving, and a managed services company will guarantee that your company remains up to date with the latest tech and is well-protected from data loss and cyber threats.

An IT provider is also a great way to minimize costs and ensure that your company operates at a much more efficient level than other businesses that do not have access to a managed service provider.

A cyber attack can cause significant data loss and many hours of downtime to any business. However, you can minimize the chance of this costly situation by choosing to partner with managed IT services. An IT service provider will give your company the ultimate protection against any cyber threat and will monitor your network at all times.

Managed IT services will also ensure your business remains on the cutting edge of technology and is always available to provide additional IT support for employees.

Deciding to partner with an IT provider is an important decision for any business and can help your company reach its full potential. However, not all managed service providers are created equal, and it is always a good idea to perform additional research before you make any final decisions.

Here are three questions you should consider before you choose an IT provider for your business.

Ransomware has become one of the biggest threats to data stored on computers and other devices, with recent attacks causing havoc for personal users, businesses, healthcare providers and even airports.

Protecting your computers, tablets, smartphones and other devices is crucial for helping to protect against data loss, identity theft and even financial loss.

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