Ransomware is the name given to software that encrypts or deletes files on a computer and will restore them to the user in exchange for payment to the person who created the software.

It is most commonly spread by malicious email attachments, although it can be embedded in downloaded files, install when you visit a web page or even be transmitted to an unsecured computer when it connects to the internet.

Most small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are not in the IT technology business. They are in the business of providing a particular set of products and services to customers, and that's where their focus should be.

So, rather than expending a lot of time and internal resources on their IT infrastructure, more and more SMBs are entrusting that responsibility to a Managed IT Services Provider (MSP) partner.

Phishing scams involve tricking people to reveal confidential data which can then be used for fraud. This includes getting usernames, passwords, credit card details, and other things.

Phishing has quickly become a huge problem and continues to become more sophisticated.

It's not all bad news, and the good news is that you can defend yourself against phishing attacks and you can learn how to avoid phishing scams.

How often have you given your IT staff training and certifications, only to see them take their new qualifications to a different company? When it happens, it causes a gap in your IT support and unexpected personnel costs. You now have to recruit, hire and train a replacement.

You can take control of your budget, eliminate unneeded spending and get quality, on-demand IT support with a managed IT service. This can help lower costs and make them more predictable.

For many small businesses, system down-time and the related loss in productivity is a common occurrence. Allowing these types of disruptions, which are often avoidable, can result in not only lost revenue but also lost customers. Yet, if you don't have the budget for a full time on-site IT support staff, these disruptions probably seem unavoidable.

Fortunately, with improvements in technology and access through the Internet, small businesses can now have access to IT solutions that were previously only available to large corporations. These new technologies can save a great deal of time and frustration by avoiding down-time, business disruption and the resultant losses in productivity.

Let’s face it. When you or your company has a computer problem, you need a quick and effective solution from a knowledgeable expert. You can hire someone in house to handle these types of emergencies, but is one person going to have the knowledge to handle any type of computer problem, whether it is software, hardware, network, email, or other type of system?

You may need several different employees with different sets of experience. And some systems require support twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Now you need three times as many people to cover all shifts. Not to mention if your computers and systems are spread out over a wide geographic area. This is where IT support services can play a big roll in keeping your company up and running without breaking the bank.

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